Monday, June 23, 2008

blocking knits

I'm only irritated because this post was already written and then there was some technical blip and it didn't post.  Here goes again.

Yesterday at church there was a little accident and my Estonian Wrap got spit up on by a baby.  Oh well, no big deal, just wash it and reblock it.  The only problem with that is that the first time I blocked it I used the mattress in the spare room.  Well said spare room and mattress are now being used by my mom so I had to figure out an alternative place to block.

I went to Michaels today and bought 4 pieces of 20 x 30 x 1/2 inch foam board.  I taped two pieces together end to end and did the same to the other two pieces.  I didn't tape them all together because this way I can reconfigure if I need to block something that's wider and not a thousand miles long.  The above picture is of the wrap wired and pinned out and the picture below is a corner of one of the pieces I bought.

If you want to find it it's in the art section (near canvases in my store) It just says that it's foam board and it's by Elmer's.  I can get the sku if anyone needs it.  This seemed to be the cheapest solution with the easiest storage ability for what I needed.

I hope that wrap dries before bed time.  I like to sleep in my own bed. Yep, there is a fan running in that room.


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