Saturday, April 14, 2007

Caps for Kids

I'm currently working on a project for my upcoming knitting retreat. Each year that we head for retreat we make caps for kids and carry them with us.  I'm way behind this year.  I shouldn't be. I left my job at the end of the year so you'd think I'd be ahead of the game.  Not so.  I've spent time cleaning the house and purging stuff that I have no use for.  I've played with the grandbabies and made a sweater.  I've worked in my garden and sat on my back porch swing and listened to the birds sing and the squirrels chatter.  I do have 11 hats complete, 5 or 6 ready for seaming and 1 on the machine right now. Oh, and a variegated one on a circular needle to be worked on while waiting in line at places. That one was making a really interesting spiral pattern until I started decreasing.  I think I'm going to rip back and keep it the same size around until an inch or so before ending so I can keep the pattern.  I've never had a yarn do this before.  I know it's a matter of length of repeat on the colors and the number of stitches I'm using, but still it's a first for me.  Pictures later. (If I can remember to take them before turning them in at retreat)


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