Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stash Dash 2012

So, I'm doing StashDash with the Knitgirllls again this year.  The set-up is a little different this year since we are going by grams instead of yardage.  My first goal was 907 grams.  I blew that one out of the water.  I spun this yarn for 113 grams

along with knitting two more bears for Mother Bear, spinning this Colinette Merino
and two more of the Frog Tree Meriboo rovings (brown and gray), knit a pair of socks, finished my February Lady, some knitted cupcakes for Carin,dishcloths, some hexagons, and a hat from my handspun.  I am officially at 1592.3 grams.  That's not where I actually am though because I have some things that will go into Checkpoint 5 when the thread opens. (I also found something that I listed in a post, but didn't add the weight, oops) I haven't added four dishcloths or the brown Meriboo roving.  That's not all though.  I have another pair of socks on the needles, am currently working on my ten stitch blanket that will be a really cute baby blanket when finished, and am still making hexagons.
I upped my goal to 2000 grams.  I think I will make that and have some to spare.  It's been really productive for me to have a goal and work toward it.
I did "compete" in the Tour de Fleece and got to know my wheel.  That was my goal and I've enjoyed it.  I'm on a team for the Ravellinic games, but I'm only WIP Wrestling on that blanket.  Nothing exciting.
I was going to add more pictures, but blogger and I are arguing right now.  More later.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tour de Fleece progress

I haven't made much progress in my knitting lately, but I have been having fun with my new Ladybug wheel and the fiber that I'm spinning for Tour de Fleece.  I've completed a few things and bought some more to play with while on vacation during the first days of the tour.

Mountain Colors Roving

The Colinette is finished and I'm really happy with it.  I worked on part of it sitting in the back of our van while my husband was driving while we were on vacation.  He even got a short video of me spinning while we were at a rest area.
I had a really fun time shopping at The Woolery while we were on vacation.  After that we headed down and I got to shop at Smoky Mountain Spinnery too.
I wasn't sure that I would love spinning on the wheel even though I was fascinated by the idea of it.  I was wrong.  I have been having tons of fun spinning and can't wait to do more knitting with my own handspun.  I even bought a pound of Potluck Roving so that I would have more than my usual four ounces to play with.
I am still working on my February Lady sweater and hoping to finish it sometime in the next week.  I have a pair of socks on the needles for the husband, but other than that I'm not sure what my next project will be.  I need to finish my ten stitch blanket that is going to end up being somewhere around crib size instead of a bigger one simply because I want it finished. 
I haven't made a hexipuff in ages and guess I really need to get back to those too.  I have decided not to stuff most of them and may go back and take the stuffing out of the ones I've made that I did stuff.  I can always use the stuffing for Mother Bear bears or Monsters.  I've completed a couple of those lately too. Pictures to follow. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

A little of this and a little of that

Wow, I really shouldn't wait so long between making entries on the blog.  Blogger has changed things and now I get to see if I can figure it out.  I just got a new Ladybug spinning wheel this month.  I am loving it.  I made this yarn from some Frog Tree Yarns Meriboo Roving, which is 70% Merino  wool and 30% Bamboo Viscose.  This is about 222 yards from the 4 ounces I spun.
I've also been knitting.  This is one of the Mother Bear bears I have finished recently.

I've finished two and have another one on the needles.  I've also completed Gabby the Garden Monster recently too.  I'm participating in StashDash  again this year.  I set my goal at 907 grams or about 2 pounds.  I think I'm going to exceed that easily.  I'm at 743 grams now and I haven't counted the yarn that's going into my February Lady sweater. (I'm only going to count the 350 grams that I'm in the process of using since Stash Dash started.) That's going to put me over without doing any spinning for the Tour de Fleece or any knitting for the Ravellenic games and I hope to participate in both.
There is also gardening going on here.  I'm getting plenty of tomatoes, some bell peppers, some zuchini and carrots.  The birds are enjoying my blueberries before I can get them, but there will be more next year and maybe even enough for all of us to have some.
We are still working on the new property and it's coming along slowly.  It's just too hot and humid at the moment to spend and length of time outside.
Off to have some lunch and do some knitting.  I have a bear with no arms and a sock that needs a gusset finished.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Total Slacker

Okay, I am apparently a total slacker. I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted to my blog until today. I wonder if I should just take it down and give it up or if I just need more discipline in my writing.
I have been knitting. I finished my Hey Teach and love it.

I haven't had a chance to wear it yet, but maybe on Sunday for church I can. It's been too warm really for a sweater for the last week or so and when it was cool enough I was climbing around under the house and it just didn't seem like a good place for it.
I also finished my Demeter's Shawlette.

I have proceeded to rip back the edging and add some rows to the shawl to make full use of my handspun. I'm ready to put the edging back on. This is my first beaded project and I enjoyed the whole process from the knitting to picking out the beads I wanted to use.
Then I added two more bears to the collection before they went off to Mother Bear.

Added to that I am still working on my 10 stitch blanket and the Beekeepers Quilt and I started a baby sweater or two.
I'm still considering what my next weaving project will be and thinking about my next monster and sweater for myself and I started spinning some Mountain Colors BFL top in the Peppergrass colorway.
Other than the fiber stuff, I have been getting out garden ready for the spring. I have two tiny little peaches on one of the peach trees we planted earlier this year. I had blossoms on one of the apple trees, but the deer ate them. Oops. The blueberries and the huckleberries are blooming and the strawberries are coming on. The broccoli won't give up so I am still cutting broccoli on a regular basis. I have tomatoes and peppers inching their way up to transplant size to go outside and we are discussing adding more beds to the garden. If we keep going I will have to learn to can some of these veggies. I also need to figure out a trellis for the wild grapes on the property and I'm watching the blackberries bloom. Those blooms make me think of blackberry cobbler and that makes me start drooling.
I'm back on my exercise regimen and hoping to make some progress on that front as the weather warms.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

One Month In

Today is the last day of the first month of the new year and it's time to check on what I've done so far this year.
On the knitting front, I have completed a total of four bears for The Mother Bear Project.

I've added almost a full round to my 10 stitch afghan (that top left hand corner is where I started the year),

added about half a dozen puffs to my collection for the Beekeeper's Quilt, (I looked back and only had a dozen in September.)

and I'm working on the first sleeve of my Hey Teach.

That's not bad progress so far.
In the gardening part of my life I'm also making some progress. We added two beds to our garden area this month.

The strawberries are starting to bloom.

I have a blossom on one of my peach trees. (I tried to tell it that it's still too early, but it didn't listen.)

The huckleberry is getting it's new leaves too.

Everything else is starting to show buds, but hasn't done more than pop out a couple of leaves. There are quite a few patches of a little white flower that I am trying to figure out. I have no clue what it is.

I also got a picture of a tiny bit of the creek that runs through part of our property. The creek gets high with the rain, but almost disappears when it gets dry around here.

We've been feeding the birds and the deer (and rabbits, squirrels and other assorted wildlife that hits the deer corn.)
I'm also preparing for my daughter's wedding. I finally found what I'll wear and if I could magically lose 20 to 30 pounds before the wedding I would be jumping up and down. I put on weight while nursing my husband last year and I'm just beginning the process of taking it back off. It will be a slow process and I don't think that it will be complete by April.
Not much more going on around here at the moment. I've spent some quality "baby time" in the past few weeks and enjoyed it. I'm also enjoying being able to give them back.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Look in Both Directions (Behind and Ahead)

I just counted the number of completed projects on my Ravelry page and there were 32 listed projects. I know for sure that I completed 43 because one of those projects is actually a group of projects. I'm pretty happy with that since I am pretty sure that there were some things completed that never got the love of a Rav project page.
This year, so far, I have completed two bears for the Mother Bear Project. That is already one thing completed on my Mission Possible 2012 list.
The list is
1. Ten Stitch Afghan
2. Two woven scarves for granddaughters
3. Something with handspun
Those are the carryovers from last year and then:
4. Hey Teach sweater (started already)
5. February Lady sweater
6. Twelve hats for MT25
7. Dot the Dress UP Box Monster
8. Gabby the Garden Monster
9. Mother Bear Project Bear

10. Hermione's Everyday Socks
11. Spin 4 oz braid
12. Beekeeper's Quilt
14. Hat
15. To Be Decided
I know that there are fifteen things on the list, but since three of them are carryovers I decided to add three to the list so that I would have twelve new projects to aim for too.

Just before Christmas I became a great-grandmother and just after New year's I became a great-aunt. That means we have two new people for me to knit for. That will be fun. I picked up the yarn to do at least two sweaters that are not on the list above. I only have thirteen of the fourteen items to go so surely I can fit two more little sweaters in there. (Why yes, there is a small chance that I am delusional about the amount of knitting I can accomplish. Why do you ask?)

We are planning to expand our garden this year and have started that process by planting two apple trees, two peach trees, and two pecan trees. I'm considering an asparagus bed, but I'm not sure it's worth the effort since there are only two of us in my family that will eat it. Of course, I could make that a reason to have a smaller bed of asparagus. I'll have to think about it.

I have already begun Hey Teach and it's about halfway complete. My gauge was different and my yarn was different and I'm making a size that is two sizes too big according to the pattern, but should work with my gauge. It looks right and the size is still what I was expecting so that's good news so far. I already have the yarn for the February Lady Sweater and am trying to patiently finish something already on the needles before beginning something new. I have spinning on the go, two hats on the needles, the Hey Teach, and a hat on the machine. I've been deciding on yarn for my next woven project and bought beads to do Demeter's Shawlette with my handspun.

I hope to post more frequently this year. I guess we will see how many of my goals for the year I manage in my life.