Monday, October 25, 2010

A Stashing we will go

Wow, I'm in Dallas visiting with my honey who works here more often than at home and every time I come he wants to make sure I don't get bored in the hotel room. (Because, you know, I never get bored at home and there is no way I brought knitting with me.) So we went to Yarn Heaven, then off to The Woolie Ewe, a stop at the Shabby Sheep and one at White Rock Weaving to round out a weekend.

Let's see: I got Mountain Colors fiber at Yarn Heaven, The Woolie Ewe

was having a sale and that would have been dangerous, except for the good sense of DH who said "Hey, that's on sale. Are you sure you don't need some more?" There might have been 30 skeins that made their way to the car. The stop at White Rock Weaving gave me two more shuttles for my weaving looms and two ounces of carbonized bamboo along with 5.1 ounces of potluck roving in the Pumpkin Spice colorway that just called and called to me and a Kundert Spindle that spins like a dream. The last stop was The Shabby Sheep where another 16 skeins went into the car with me. (Really with DH since he was carrying the bag.)
I have been knitting, spinning, fondling yarn and working out since I've been here. (Those pictures are not all of it, but Blogger and I are arguing about pictures right now.)

I was talking to a lady at the Shabby Sheep who just bought an LK150 and doesn't know how to use it. I volunteered to go back on Saturday if her schedule permits and show her the basics.
I go home in a little over a week to an oven that seems to have decided that now is the time to die. I got a call from my son who said, "Hey Mom, the oven element is shooting sparks. Mawmaw (what they call their grandmother) was baking something and it just started." My response was to tell him to turn off the breaker and let it cool down and not cook anything in the oven til I get home. I might have added that there is nothing I can do about it from here. My vote is just to get a new element, but DH says that it might just be time to get a new one. The one we have is 16 years old and has been used heavily in those years. I have been coveting a flat surface stove fro a while, but have refused to buy one because mine works (worked) fine. I just don't replace working appliances. In the past year or so I have had to replace both the washer and dryer, the dishwasher, and the refrigerator. My kitchen is almost new. Ah, well. Life goes on.

Friday, October 8, 2010

a little update

So, it's a lovely day here and I have been enjoying it a lot.
I was sitting here listening to the SpinDoctor podcast since of course I needed more podcasts to listen too and I have just begun to spin on a spindle. Must learn more is my motto. I would love to have several podcasts that I could listen to about spinning like I have for my knitting. Of course, I get a little spinning from the Knitmore Girls and love it. As a matter of fact, Jasmin is the reason I thought about spinning to start with. Now I want to ask her dozens of questions about things spinning related on top of all the other questions that I think of when I'm listening. There are other podcasts that tied the knot tighter in the "You want to spin" rope that first tried to tug at me from reading the Yarn Harlot's blog, but Jasmin managed to make me think "Oh, I wonder if I could do that?". The answer is yes, I can. I can't do it well (yet), but I can spin something that resembles yarn.
On another note, I have the sampler off the loom, but haven't finished the ends so that I can wash it and get pictures of it. I have since put another scarf on the Cricket and it is sitting waiting for my trip to Dallas for some love.
I haven't made a lot of progress on the Einstein for my granddaughter, but there is a little more each day and the scrapghan is moving along slowly as well. Blame the lack of progress on the spindle. I was told that I needed to spend at least 10 minutes a day at it to begin to see progress. I listened and have been spending more than that at it. I have cast on a new pair of socks and a new teddy bear too. I just finished a dishcloth that is the 12th thing on my Mission Possible list for 2010. I'm already thinking about my list for 2011, but I have several things to finish before the end of the year.
In the garden: Yesterday I picked a small basket full of bell peppers. It wasn't all that are on the plants, but I did fill a second gallon size ziplock freezer bag with them. I will have peppers for use in soups and casseroles for the entire winter I hope. The lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage seem to be happy in the garden and are beginning to grow and it's almost time for me to fork up some sweet potatoes. I'm really looking forward to eating those. I love things fresh out of my garden.
Time to get back to the knitting, crocheting, spinning, weaving, exercising and reading. Nope, housework wasn't on that list. I will do some, but I don't want to talk about it.