I've spent the time since Christmas returning the bedroom that I thought my daughter was moving into back into my knitting/craft space. I've added storage shelves to the closet, set my machines back up and put most of the yarn back into the room.I can't say that this is all of the yarn because it isn't. I decided that I'd use part of what's in the room and then add some of what's still in storage. I knew I had a lot of yarn, but I'm not sure I realized how much there really was. There are another 3 storage boxes and two Space Saver Bags full of yarn still stored outside the room.
The cubby that doesn't look full in this shot is now full. The doors close so I can close it up if necessary.
The cubby that doesn't look full in this shot is now full. The doors close so I can close it up if necessary.
Almost all of what I have is acrylic and almost all of it was given to me. I'm using it to make hats for Caps For Kids and afghans for a group from our church who helps the needy with blankets and other items that are needed.
The machines make quick work of the charity hats that I make and it gives me time to design tops for myself and my grandchildren. I also handknit socks. There is a pattern out there to do them on the machine, but I haven't tried it yet. I need quiet and serenity to try those since I haven't mastered my Artisan machine yet. Quiet in my house is almost non existent and serenity is beyond my hopes right now.
I hope that having my room organized will help. I got rid of a bunch of stuff when I thought my daughter was moving home so there is less to go into my very small space. The room is about 8' x 10' overall. Maybe less. I don't want to think about it. I'm just glad that we actually have enough space for me to have my own room.
Happy Knitting everyone.